BettyBox Subscription Box – Review

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A’ has been lucky enough to be sent a Bettybox to review. Bettybox is a sister company to Pink Parcel the adult subscription box for periods. Bettybox is a box delivered by post full of period items and treats to help you get through those blue moments of feeling grotty each month.

As a pre-teen A has been learning all about puberty and all about periods at school and she was up for a good conversation when we received the box.

She was excited to be prepared and have her box ready for when the time comes and has popped it into her drawer in her room. She loved all the goodies and felt really grown up receiving this special box for her. She has asked that we subscribe to Bettybox when the time comes on a monthly basis.

This is her unboxing video.

Bettybox costs £12.99 a month which I think is a fair price for all the pampering goodies you receive alongside all the essentials you need each month. They provide major brands including Tampax, Always and Bettypads.

Bettybox offer a range of different boxes including a pick’n’mix box for your sanitary products for £5.99 which contains 25 bettypads sanitary items of your choice.

Bettypads are also biodegradable which is a massive thumbs up from us and an  important factor we consider when we are choosing products.

Your box is personal to you and your needs. Girls are not all one size and using the size guide you can order the correct size for your daughter (or yourself if you are old enough).

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Their website is full of facts, light hearted articles and lots of fun. Bettybox talk about body image, social situations and scenarios teenagers face and fashion. A really enjoyed looking through the easy to navigate webpage check it out here:

I love the idea of Bettybox, helping to alleviate the awkwardness of a child starting their periods feeling unprepared and lacking understanding of what to expect. This has given A the information and box ready to help her as she gets older. As A gets older I’m sure she will love the beauty elements of the box too, she doesn’t currently wear make up unless we are going to a party but I’m sure this will change over the next year or so. Bettybox is fantastic for teens and helps them feel like mini-adults. Being aware of feelings, their own body and hygiene is super important.

I am going to look into ordering the Pink Parcel for myself. We love subscription boxes… who doesn’t love an indulgent treat in the post.

If you would like to order your box you can get 20% off using code: ALLUMS20

* A received a Bettybox complimentary in order to complete this review.

7 thoughts on “BettyBox Subscription Box – Review

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  1. I don’t have regular periods as I have the implant but if I did this is the kind of thing I’d like as it makes having your period seem less of an annoyance as you get a nice delivery of goodies x


  2. Oh this is cool. Nice they’ve done one for younger girls. Makes the experience that bit nicer with the goodies. Plus, who’d say no to a nice box of cool things when they feel rubbish?


  3. I love the concept of the Bettybox and that is a sister box for younger females to the Pink Parcel. I wish there had been something like this when I was younger.


  4. My step-daughter is 10 and we have recently being discussing periods, she is interested in using reuseable sanitary products as she is concerned about the environment. However if these are biodegradable and bleach free I may order her one of these to try.


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